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  • Writer's pictureDean Willms

Top 5 Dream MCU Movies

Disney has been killing it with Marvel movies over the past few years. From introducing new characters to the universe like Doctor Strange and Black Panther to epic and tear-jerking narratives with movies like Infinity War and Endgame, the MCU has quickly become the one stop place to see comics come to life. And it’s only just getting started.

With the recent acquisition of IP’s such as the Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Deadpool and the glorious return of Spiderman back to the MCU, Disney still has a ton of new awesome movies over the horizon that fans are eager to enjoy. With MCU quickly expanding, there’s still some movies that haven’t been announced by Disney that I want to hit the big screen.

So, here are my Top 5 Dream MCU movies that I would love to see come to life.

5. Venom/Spiderman Crossover Movie

Fans have been waiting for a good movie adaptation of the friendly neighborhood Spiderman and the mysterious alien symbiote to clash together since Sam Raimi’s Spiderman 3. In the comics and games, the relationship between Spiderman and Venom has always been intense and conflicting. Spidey always wants to save Eddie Brock, the man beneath the monster, and Venom wants nothing more than to devour Spiderman. I know I speak for everyone how cool it would be to get these two guys into a movie together!

Now that Spiderman is officially back in the MCU, even if it is just temporary, Disney has half a movie already. It might be difficult for Sony to part with Venom as he and Spiderman are Sony’s biggest money makers, but if they somehow came to an agreement to let him into the MCU you know I’d be one of the first people there in that movie theater waiting for that magic to unfold.

Adding Venom to the MCU wouldn’t just add a great Spiderman movie to the lineup, but having a rogue symbiote running throughout the streets of NYC would add a ton of new possibilities to the universe. Imagine, if you had iconic marvel characters like Rocket Raccoon or Captain Marvel taken over by the symbiote and you had a live-action Venomized storyline. That would be beyond awesome to see!

I don’t know if that’s even on Disney’s radar at all, but I know a lot of people would love to see MCU’s rendition of Venom and finally see a return of a black suit Spidey!

4. The Defenders

Not too long ago Netflix announced that they were cancelling all their Marvel related exclusive shows on their streaming platform, including all the members of the Defenders and the Punisher. This was a huge disappointment for many fans, including myself, because I would love to binge on the adventures of Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and the Punisher. Iron Fist not so much. But everyone else, for sure!

While the TV series might be done with for now, it might prove to be a great opportunity to move all these characters into the MCU movies. These shows revolved around the MCU, but they didn’t impact the greater storyline narrative in anyway. They kinda just did their own thing referencing Thor and Captain America every now and again. It would be great for the Defenders to be revived on the big screen as official members of the MCU. All the actors, except Iron Fist, were great in their respective shows and would be able to transition well as movie actors rather than streaming actors.

With Disney working on introducing a fresh new batch of characters to their roster, adding the Defenders would be a great addition alongside the X-Men and Fantastic Four. The only problem is that Disney can’t really do anything with these characters for a least two years because of their contract with Netflix, but once those two years are up, Disney has free reign to reboot those IP’s anyway they wish. Even if they don’t make a movie adaptation of the Defenders, it would at least be great to see those Netflix shows continue on Disney's new streaming platform that’s coming out next month.

3. Contest of Champions

You know how everyone was super excited to see Civil War because they wanted to see their favorite Marvel superheros duke it out? Well what if they did that again with an even bigger roster of characters in a big battle arena? Enter The Contest of Champions movie.

The Contest of Champions is a Marvel storyline that came out in 1982 in which famous marvel superheros were used as pawns in a game between the Grandmaster and Death. I won’t go too much in the specifics of the storyline because it can drag on, but the biggest takeaway from this that there could be a movie where all the Marvel superheroes are fighting against each other and who doesn’t want to see that!?

We saw a little bit of what a Contest of Champions movie would look like in Thor Ragnarok where Thor and Hulk were pitted against one another. The two strongest Avengers going head to head. Now imagine if ALL the Marvel superheroes were involved in this battlearena! Spidey vs Doctor Strange, Black Panther vs Wolverine, Deadpool vs well...pretty much everyone!

Not only would it serve as a cool movie, but we could all draw up a fantasy draft to see who would beat who and finally put to rest some of the lifelong debates on who the stronger superhero truly is.

While an MCU version of this storyline might not be exactly like the original, it would be cool to see Jeff Goldblum come back as the Grandmaster. The Grandmaster kinda lost his battle-realm at the end of Thor Ragnarok, but I think he could make a return and get revenge on Thor and Hulk for disbanding his little arena of amusement by roping in all their friends and allies into the mix. You got a pretty good segway right here, so Disney make it happen!

2. Ultimate Alliance

You know what’s even cooler than having your heroes fight one another? Having a giant roster of your heroes AND villains fighting together for a common goal. There have been plenty of times in the comics where heroes and villains have to put aside their differences to fight together to face a bigger threat. We’ve even seen in movies a couple times like with Thor and Loki in Dark World and Peter Parker and Harry Osborn in Sam Raimi’s Spiderman 3. There’s even been a popular games series that revolves around this whole idea called Ultimate Alliance!

With Thanos out of the way, there’s an open position for an even bigger villain to take his place. Whether it’s Kang the Conqueror or Galactus: Eater of Worlds, I’m not sure all the Avengers could take them on on their own. They barely were able to beat Thanos in Endgame and that was their second time around facing him!

Which is why I think a Marvel Ultimate Alliance movie would be amazing. Having your favorite heroes and villains working together to save the world would be spectacular to see. Marvel’s proven that they bring a large cast of characters together well in Infinity War and, especially, in Endgame, so a movie on this large of a scale isn’t impossible for them to accomplish.

The only thing Marvel would need to do is build up villians in future movies to where they can come back later on when their help is needed. So far, Marvel hasn’t had any real recurring villains, besides maybe Loki, but by now he’s more of an anti-hero rather than a villain. So, right now the villain roster is pretty low, but Phase 4 might be the perfect time to introduce long lasting villains to make this dream movie come true.

1. Spiderman/Deadpool

This is a no brainer movie that everyone would enjoy seeing. The Webhead and the Merc with the Mouth coming together on the big screen would be the ultimate dream movie come true for any Marvel fan. There was a comic series that ran for a while that followed the adventures and relationship between Spiderman and Deadpool and it was a huge hit.

These two characters have very contrasting personalities. Spiderman despises Deadpool because of his lack of moral standards, but Deadpool sees him as the high standard in a hero and wants to hang out with him, but still wants to do his own thing. Spidey always sees the good in people, even in people like Deadpool and while Deadpool is a wise cracking, murderous, morally absent, mercenary he secretly wants to be a hero.

The relationship between these two characters alone would be great to see, but it only gets better. I would absolutely love, love, love to see Tom Holland and Ryan Renolds just bantering with one another. No action or showing off of powers just them going back and forth with one another. Tom Holland and Ryan Reynolds are both great at being their respective heroes and I just know they would be able to produce some awesome ad lib dialogue that would make the movie hilarious.

Spiderman and Deadpool are both part of the MCU now, so a movie featuring these two characters would not only be a dream, but possibly a dream come true. Spiderman has at least one more solo movie and one appearance in a future Marvel movie. Could that future marvel movie be “The Adventures of Spiderman and Deadpool?” God I hope so!

What dream MCU movie would you like to see? Comment below and make sure to hit that subscribe button here to get weekly email notifications when new blog posts are up! I’ll see you next time.

~Dean Willms

Gamer. Designer. Friend

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